Tuesday, December 29, 2009

To sum it all up......

I got sick on Christmas Eve.

M got sick on Boxing Day.

J got sick yesterday.

There have been lots of snuggles and bed sharing.

No one has slept in what seems like an etermity.

I haven't put on normal clothes after showering in 3 days.

I haven't left the house in two days.

I really want to scrap but I am not feeling inspired.

I don't really feel like blogging.

I have only been reading my very favorites in google reader.

I am however feeling the need to purge.

To take inventory.

To resolve.

That has been my life for the past week.

Scintillating isn't it???


  1. I'm with you 100% . Started purging yesterday and will probably keep it up until I can breathe properly again. :)

  2. Hang in there! That stinks and is not a great way to kick off your year. Try to enjoy your time with the little ones and purge away. It's what I'm doing also...
