Monday, February 15, 2010


Is where we have been.

M on thursday night.

B and myself on friday night.

All night.

Every 15 minutes.

Did I mention it was all night?

Still waiting to get my strength back.

So here is my public service announcement to you.

If you are sick, stay home,

And wash your hands.

(Insert smiley face here incase you thought I was being rude, which I wasn't trying to.)

Happy Family Day everyone, or at least those of you in Ontario!

P.S.  Are you watching those Athletes?


  1. Duuuuude. I am so sorry! Just for you, I'll go wash my hands.

  2. Ooohhh Goooddd. Nothing I hate more than that type of sick. Hang in there! I am sooo sorry.

  3. Oh no! I hope you guys feel better soon. And yes, I am watching the Athletes and lovin' it.
