Thursday, December 31, 2009

In my bucket for 2010.

Of course I wish for world peace, good health for all of my friends and family.

But what I really wish  for is for some changes with me.

I hope to lose this stoopid 20 pounds that won't go away.

I hope to have the energy and the motivation to really get it done. 

I hope to be more patient with those I love.

I hope to be a better parent.

I hope to be a better friend.

I hope to be a better partner.

I hope to judge people less.

I hope to not carry any resentment in my heart.

I hope to teach my children more about faith.

I hope to speak my feelings in a concise manner so the message doesn't get lost.

I hope to organize my closets.

I hope to scrapbook more often

I hope to be published in a scrap magazine.

I hope my bonus when I return to work is a good one so I can put up a fence and install central air.

I hope that my boys continue to thrive in this home we create for them.

I hope that my dream of blinking my eyes and a majic genie appearing finally works.

I hope to nurture and grow the love between B and myself.

I hope to let go of the guilt I carry with me everytime I do something just for me.

I hope that I get a raise.

I hope to save enough to payback  1/2 of what was withdrawn from savings to buy this house.

I hope to buy a new vacum....of the dyson variety.

I hope to continue this new found love with my brand new slow cooker.

I hope that everytime I click my heals together I will end up right back here in this life.

May 2010 be the year that you hope it to be.


  1. I love that last line! Happy New Year!

  2. A great list for the first day of the year... I hope 2010 is all that you hope for.

  3. What a great and ambitious list! Love the heel clicking line. Here's to a Happy New Year!
